D Loving (formal name as Pusat Jagaan D Sayang Ku) is a licensed Child Care Centre since 2005. D Loving Child Care Centre is taking in children aged 2+ till 6. Our Child Care Centre operates from 7:30am to 7pm, Monday to Friday.

Our Program

Our Child Care Centre’s program has divided into two sessions, morning and afternoon sessions. In the morning session, we provide comprehensive learning program by using Thematic Approach in a classroom setting. In the afternoon, we have a series of curriculum like Zumba Dance, Creative Art and Ukulele Class for our children to explore their talents.

Dr Howard Gardner, the Professor of Cognition and Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, has mentioned human beings have 7-10 distinct intelligences. No one has the same intelligences. In D Loving, we adopt the same concepts in preparing our lesson plans. Children will learn best with the right appropriate approach.

Our Experienced Staff

dloving teacher

Our Child Care Centre has been well known of our long serving teachers and staffs. Most of our staff have been in Dloving more than 10 years. Our care takers and teachers are known as passion, fully committed and loving. We are like a big family taking care of our young little ones with passion and love.

Safe And Clean Environment

Our child care centre ensures the safety of our children is our top priority. All the important entrances are closed at all times. The whole centre is closely monitored by CCTV.

We also ensure to keep our premise clean and to have good ventilation. Children’s health is our main concern. Every morning every child will be checked on their body temperature before entering the centre. Once they are in, they are required to clean their hands with hand sanitiser. Whenever there is any child infected by any contagious disease, parents will be well informed. As such, sickness and viruses are well monitored by us.

d loving school

Healthy Meals Daily

healthy diet

Our child care centre serves halal food. Our breakfast is freshly baked confectionary like bread, bun and cakes from a bakery near us. They bake early morning and deliver to us hot and freshly bake food. Every afternoon, we serve a variety of nutritional meal to our children. IN normal day, there will be 1 main dish either fish or chicken, 1 type of vegetable, 1 type of soup to serve with rice. In somedays, our cook might prepare food like Nasi Lemak, Roti Canai, Spaghetti, Friend Mee Moon and etc.

Our children will eventually have a good exposure of various types of food prepared in multiple styles. 


In our child care centre, we strongly believe the responsibility to bring up a child lying on both parents and child care centre. So our care takers and teachers are working closely with parents. in a year, there will be two official Parent- Teacher Meetings (Mid Year and Year End)


Most frequent questions and answers
Yes we are able to arrange but you have to give us one hour notice.
We do have a transporter only transporting our children.
Yes we do have 3 days of trial lessons.
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